Sunday, February 7, 2010

ECO Auto Creation when the ECO is approved

In the Enovia eMatrix Engineering Central, ECO is used to implement one or more ECRs. The OOTB process requires you create an ECO manually and then connect to an approved ECR. Again, this is a manually process and there is lots of room for mistakes. How about the product engineer connects an ECO to a wrong ECR? How about the product engineer forgets to connect to any ECR? I heard lots of a complaints about this. Therefore, I need to fix this process. How?
  1. First of all, I disabled the OOTB auto ECO creation popup. It is useless. The reason is simple. The last person who approves the ECR will see the popup. Unfortunately, that person is not the resposnbile design engineer and should create ECO and take ownership.
  2. I developed an trigger to create ECO automatically when the ECR is approved. I connected the ECO to the ECR at the same time and all affected items are revised. I also send email to the responsible design engineer to notify him/her the ECO is created.
  3. Finally , to make ECR/ECO process simple, I disabled the ECO creation command. For the new part and new spec release, we require engineer to create ECR first.

Now, then ECR/ECO become one change process. One ECR, One ECO. The change request and change implementation becomes a seamless process!

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