MQL and TCL are integrated together. You need to know the basic syntax of TCL. Here the link to access the TCL online documentation.
MQL stands for Matrix Query Language. It is something like SQL. by you MQl, You can query database, update database. Here is the most comon-used MQl Commands:
- temp query businessobject - query database
- print business object - print business objects
- expand business object - expand business object by type and relationship
- modify business object - change attributes of business object
- new business object - create a new business object
- business object execute method - execute a method of a business object
- method 1: print bus Part 100 1 select from[EBOM].businessobject.id dump ]
- method 2: expand bus Part 100 1 from rel [EBOM] select bus id dump |
set lCurrentBOM ""
set lMMComponents [split [mql expand bus $sObjectId to rel "EBOM" from rel "EBOM" dump |] "\n"];
foreach elem $lMMComponents {
set elem [split $elem |]
set sCompNum [lindex $elem 4]
if {[lsearch $lCurrentBOM $sCompNum] == "-1"} {
lappend lCurrentBOM $sCompNum
puts $lCurrentBOM
The above scripts will find all component number and add it to a list named lCurrentBOM.
ReplyDeletemql den user access lerini topluca yönetme imkanı var mıdır?
What is the difference between print bus and temp query bus